Friday, October 13, 2006


I promised to write up a complete update on my trip to Africa; obvious to all it hasn't happened, bar some pretty pictures. Procrastination is my defence, but procrastination is a poor excuse for an excuse, surely only masking a greater fear.

Kenya was supposed to be a break from the pleasant routine of here in Japan. A trip to give me something to think about, some challenges, and a timely reminder of my mission in life. I had a romantic idea of going from a very rich country to a very poor one and coming away untouched but enlightened none-the-less.

In truth it was all of these things and more, rather than a kick up the arse, more of a kick in the guts, a shattering of my self confidence, something I crawled away from and only now, a month later have the distance necessary to look at the whole experience more objectively.

From the safe distance of Japan, with the added protection of a computer as an intermediary, I'm going to try to make an attempt to be as honest as possible about what happened internally and externally, possibly more for my own gratification rather than yours; an important first step in moving on from the disappointment in myself and starting again, for the eight hundred and sixty second time or so.

I'll try to head towards the humorous rather than the self indulgent, and please fell free to help with the arse kicking if it all gets a bit much.


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